The year closed with a great demonstration by Daniela Crick of "A Christmas Feast".
Our lovely November demonstration was by Myra Neville of " Secondhand Rose"
Terri Potter demonstrated "Diary of a Floraholic" for our October meeting.
Our new year was ably kicked off by Lisa Morgan with the theme of "Lighting Autumn".
For our June meeting Stephanie Lang demonstrated on the theme of " Colour and Me".
At our May meeting Sandra Price gave us "All Kinds of Everything"
Committee members helped to decorate St Andrews Church for Easter
Our April meeting was cheered by Jane Ellis with " Shed Shuffle"
We had a good number of entries for the competition of "a single garden flower". There were 2 winners.
At our March meeting Pam Cantelow demonstrated "Fun with Flowers".
At our first meeting of the year in February Helen Bird gave us " As The Days Lengthen" - a lovely glimpse of spring.